Monday, March 7, 2016

Musings- March

Hey there, squish here, with this month's update and musings! Sorry I'm late for the start of the month, turns out my recent case of the flu left behind a multi-drug-resistant sinus infection, and I'm just finally starting to feel vaguely human again. One big update: unfortunately, I'm going to have to pause my work on the new chapter of By The Horns for a moment. Some of you who read my blog might remember that a while ago, I was asked to make a submission to a real, published book of short stories, volume two of Sex and Sorcery. I've just recently been reminded that the window for that submission closes at the end of the month, so I've gotta get on that, like, YESTERDAY. I won't be able to share that chapter with you guys, unfortunately, for legal reasons, so you'll have to wait and get the book when it comes out. :P Anyways, onto the topic at hand! For the very first time, I actually have musings from last month to release to the public! Primeval Passions, the first part in the tale of two reptilian romantics, and Spider, a profile for a wandering bad-boy bard with six hands and magic fingers. I'll also release my very first bonus chapter, My Little Clopfic, for public consumption. I think I'll probably be releasing a bonus chapters per month like this until I run out of bonuses, then it'll go down to just the musings. This month, I only have one musing suggestion, but it's a good one. An arrogant succubus who bites off more than she can chew. The other musing is still a wild card. I might use it to continue the Primeval Passions story, I might use it to write a long-overdue short I promised a friend, but we'll find out together. The musings will have to wait until later in the month, though, I really need to focus my energies on the submission at the moment if I want to get it out in time.


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