Thursday, October 22, 2015

Progress Report: I have an excuse! It's a good one, I swear!

Hey there, squish here, with a series of recent developments!

Well, first off, my computer had a meltdown on Monday. After six years of service, the increasingly-frequent bugs, crashes, overheatings, and general performance issues finally overcame the old girl. Ultimately, I decided it was time to bite the bullet and, rather than pour hundreds more in repairs into it, buy a new one. I'm actually typing this from my brand new (well, refurbished) computer! Thankfully, it wasn't quite as expensive as I was bracing myself for it to be, so the purchase only wiped out HALF my savings, instead of ALL of them. I've pretty much spent the entire week thus far either trying fruitlessly to fix the old computer, researching new computers, shopping, rooting out the unwanted preloaded programs (still can't figure out how to get rid of this damn photos-to-merchandise thing), updating the system, and re-installing the programs I actually use. Unfortunately, that means I've gotten basically no writing done. But, I think it's probably worth it to have a computer that doesn't audibly complain when it has to display any sort of video.

There's another major development that's been slowing my work as of late, one that I didn't want to share until I was sure there was something solid. Now, I think I can be confident in announcing it. I've been talking with a publisher of erotic fantasy and sci-fi, who shall, for the moment, remain nameless. We've discussed a number of things, but I feel confident in letting my faithful readers know that they've asked me to submit a chapter to a short story collection! Now, it's still gotta be selected out of all the other submissions, but this is still a huge deal for me! I might actually get my work professionally published! With a signing bonus and everything! And if that weren't enough, we've also been discussing the possibility of not just one, but a whole series of novels! We still have to work out the specifics of how and when the books will get written, but it's looking VERY good so far!
What would the novels be about, you ask? Excellent question, I reply! The books will be based on the plans for one of my stories! What story, you ask? Stop interrupting me and you'll find out, I say! Only one of my stories has the grand, arching storyline, the intricate and expansive setting, the truly epic scope such a series would call for! The Titles of Angra B'ahram! Each book will center around the story of one of Angra Ba'ahram's many titles, and how the humble incubus Ahram came to earn them. I haven't been able to stop thinking about the story since first I wrote it, and what ideas might have once fit into a single chapter have grown, unbidden, into sprawling, interwoven tales, too large to contain within a single chapter! This way, I'll be able to delve into the setting, to explore the nature of the multiverse, the 667 worlds of the Abyssal Empire, and the characters within in glorious detail!

Anyways, I hope you guys can understand why it's taking me a while to get anything done. I've got a lot on my mind, and a lot on my plate, but I'm still workin'. I like to think this chapter of Happy Birthday will be worth the wait!


  1. Good for you but you might want to make sure you can retain the rights to publish/distribute the stories elsewhere. If you do that you could use this publisher to gain notoriety and catalog of novels and use that as a spring broad to start up your on website that sell copies digital novels that way you could make money from the publisher patreon, and you own website using the same stories. Also if you can't retain the rights to publish/distribute or continue the stories elsewhere don't get to attached to the story plan for more then what they promised in writing.

    i would be willing to talk more on the subject i did some marketing in the past its not usually writer friendly in comparison to the other options out there but is a great place to get started.

    1. Thanks man! I'm definitely trying to be cautious about this whole thing. I'm entirely naive about writing for publishing, so oftentimes it seems like I don't even know what I don't know. I've been doing my research, though, and so far it all seems to be on the proverbial level.

      As appealing as the idea of having my own site and selling my own work is on an emotional level, I don't think I could manage on a practical level. Just way too many balls for me to keep in the air all by myself, you know? Editing, creating cover art, managing the site, knowing all the legal stuff, marketing, managing all my different profiles, keeping up with all the emails...

      The current plan is extremely easy for me. It's not set in stone or anything, but the publisher seemed agreeable to it. Basically, when I'm done with By The Horns, I write the book chapter by chapter like I would any normal multi-chapter saga. But instead of posting it for free all over, I keep it patrons-only. When I'm finished, the publisher collects the chapters, and with a little final editing, formatting, and art, they publish/market it for me. I get my 50% of the profits every six months, no muss, no fuss.

    2. TLDR: Patreon is a great avenue for renting out work did and done even when selling that work else were always try to get work post there, HF is free advertisement and storage and back everything up on a on flash /external drive or 2.

      sorry for late replies but it look like you got a good deal. I say if you don't want to run your on site keep a look out for sites or groups that will let still make money through patreon and possibly post teasers/previews on HF.

      Patreon has been the biggest boon to any type of person in the artist, teaching, and entertainers since pretty much the internet was easily accessible. It Allows people to get paid for what they do and done while still being able to work else where and you can adjust goals and pledges depending on demand, out-side work lord, popularity, free time, and etc..Also patreon is customer friendly upfront unlike were kickstarter give money and hope for a return a year or more later. If they don't like what they are getting its easy for them not pay anther month but most will keep giving you money even if you slow down or stop so free-ish money

  2. ...Well, I actually showed up here to find out what was going on. Sorry about the computer, and congrats about the (potential) book deal!

    That "Titles" thing was my runner up vote after the minotaur, so it's nice to know I might get both. All the same... now I outta offer some criticism of the first chapter at some point, just so you can adjust it if you like.

    1. Thanks! I'm glad you like the idea, and don't worry, I'll be finishing By The Horns before I start on the book.

      As to criticism, let 'er rip! I'm always thrilled when people get involved enough in my work to really critique it. Now, the book is going to be very different than the story, but I'll keep any notes you have in mind as I write.

    2. Well, right out of the gate, the opening is super-slow, since it's all backstory and setup. I'd cut it into pieces, then spread them through the narrative.

      And the whole thing with the angels and not!God was a bit too... strawman-y. I don't wanna make this a thing, but... well, let's just say I enjoyed the story a lot more once B'aharam realized he was ranting and stopped doing that. I normally *like* angel boning too.

    3. Fair points, certainly.

      I don't want to remove that opening part entirely because it's gotten some praise and I think it's important to frame a setting this bizarre before throwing the reader into it. However, I do intend to tighten it up a bit and make it a distinct prologue, and the first chapter will go directly into the action after that. I hadn't considered spreading the info out, that does give a different perspective on it.

      Yeah, I admit, it was a little strawman-y. I wanted to play around with some deeper, philosophical kinds of themes, you know, order versus chaos, the simplicity of servitude versus the complicated nature of freedom and individuality... But I'm not exactly the best at that just just yet, and it probably wasn't a great plan to experiment with it in such a limited space. I'm still going to explore some more serious themes throughout the book series, I mean, what good sci-fi doesn't? But hopefully I'll be able to spread it out so it won't be quite so... blunt. Less rushed, at the very least.

    4. See, exploring a theme in the porn? That's fine. No, seriously. I might even enjoy it.

      But there's exploring a theme, and then there's having the backwards-hat-wearing, Pabst Blue Ribbon-drinking, collar-popping, cool-rebel-type protagonist literally rant the theme at us.

      If I were reworking that while leaving the original meaning intact, I would take some of his dialogue away and give it to the angel chicks who're already doin' him. If nothing else, it helps make the situation seem more like a conclusion they've come to for themselves, and it makes more sense as something they'd've had to think about and struggle with.

      Second, I'd just eliminate that whole rant about the "Great One" altogether, if not rework it as a setting element. It's that whole "Lust God" thing from the short story all over again: it makes a more-effective antagonist if there's literally *anything* to it besides manipulating people into worshiping it to get what it wants. And *not* giving it any meat just makes me grumpy with the writer.

      Remember, it's *really easy* for the person you agree with to win an argument in a story you write. You therefore need to try very hard to at least give the person you don't agree with a fair go, or people like me will be less concerned with the sexy angel chick getting double-boned than with thinking of all the arguments she *could* have made and didn't.

      ...Then again, just putting in that she's more of a tool of war than a philosopher or thinker in her "default state" is a good-enough way to acknowledge that the conversation's a bit one-sided as any without having to change much.

      Thank you if you read this far, and pay attention to my ramblings.

      (My other complaint is that I'm just not into lesbian stuff, but I'm sure I'm in the minority of your audience there. And you don't need to make a fic for me, personally, so since that one *is* just me, feel free to ignore it!)

    5. Ouch, dude.
      But yeah, I pretty much deserve that. I crammed it in when I didn't have the space to expand upon it properly. Giving it to One and Two woulda been a much better way to handle it. Ultimately, I just didn't take the time to make it work.

      If you've ever read Buttsmithy (, that's pretty much the kind of balance of storytelling and sexiness I'm gonna be aiming for.

      Just to be clear, the book's gonna cover an entirely different set of events than the chapter. It starts at the beginning of his rise to power, rather than starting at the end and flashing back. I'm not gonna have to worry about the great one as a setting element for quite a while.
      I do want to point out though, worship in this setting has more significant rewards than just getting people to do things. Most forms of worship allow followers to send mana to the object of worship, and mana serves as both currency and a power source. With the worship of a nation, you can become powerful. With the worship of an entire world, you can become godlike, rich beyond your wildest dreams. With the worship of a thousand worlds, on a thousand planes?

      But yeah, I get it, I am definitely going to try to be less ham-fisted about the moralization and a lot less one-sided about the arguments. He'll face off against some sharp minds along his way to the top, and he'll be wrong more than a few times.

      I'm sure you're not alone on disliking girl-on-girl. Personally, I really enjoy it on an aesthetic level. There's a real beauty to the female form, and two together, entwined in ecstasy, is just all the more beautiful. But it's not quite enough to satisfy me all on its own. I find it best used to amplify the sexiness of a group scene, or as the background to a male-on-female scene.

    6. @Admiral Squish "Ouch, dude. But yeah, I pretty much deserve that. I crammed it in when I didn't have the space to expand upon it properly. Giving it to One and Two woulda been a much better way to handle it. Ultimately, I just didn't take the time to make it work. "

      It's growing pains, one day you look back at all this and you see how far you went.

      @SpectralTime "See, exploring a theme in the porn? That's fine. No, seriously. I might even enjoy it."

      Always good to have more plot touching on subjects of dogma of different and conflicting group/societies but uselessly only be told well in arch that might take 2 chapters to build up for sex to happen and in stories with short chapters, commissioned stories, or stories with long intervals of coming out that isn't usually less liked in those forms.

      But hey the Pokemon porn style still works, something to said about Pokemon, with it still being around. Who doesn't like meeting new people and collecting them into harem with moral high ground or high standing and people love new ladies/men the encompasses a new/different fetish and new people can keep things fresh.

  3. I didn't want to imply you *shouldn't* do it. Again, if anything, I'm happy that your story is trying for something more!

    If I do my job right, you will do better next time, and I will enjoy your work all the more at the end of it.

    If I didn't care, or if I hated it, I wouldn't bother posting to try to explain what problems I had! ;) Good luck, and kick ass!

    (Also, ideally, the people who wanna ram the B'ah and the people who are perfectly comfortable pursuing a quieter, more orderly life of peace and discipline will get along together in happiness and harmony in the end and everyone's okay with that. But, you know, again, you're the writer, and I'm just some lame nobody.)
