Friday, April 17, 2015

Progress Report #4: Could be Better.

Hello, faithful readers! It’s me again!
I've been working hard on these stories, and I've been quiet for a while, so I figured I should probably poke my head it to let you know how things are doing.
Good news is, I’m done with two of the three rough drafts, and I really like what I have so far. One of them in particular seems to have developed in a very, very cool fashion while I was writing it, to the point that I’d be really tempted to write a story set in that universe, even if it wasn’t full of debauchery and sexytimes. I’ve also upped my daily word-quota from 2k to 2.5k, and it seems to be working reasonably well, which could mean faster chapter output.

Bad news is, they’re both still roughs, I haven’t figured out how to make the world of the third story work properly, and I’m suddenly expecting company around the house throughout my normal writing hours all next week. I’m gonna try to set up some kind of workspace arrangement where I won’t be interrupted or distracted, but it’s entirely possible that it just won’t work. Losing a week of productivity is a really unappealing prospect. I’m already gonna have to push it to get all three done in time. If I lose a week, I might be able to finish one, possibly two if I work a miracle. And I’d hate to default on the milestone guarantee of two chapters/month so soon.
Upside of the bad news is if I manage to set up an interruption-free work-space with company around the house, I might be able to write on weekends, too.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Progress Report #3: Mostly Good

Greetings once more, my faithful readers! It's been about a week since Arabian Days, so I figured it was time for a progress report.

Well, unfortunately, I was sick for the majority of the last week, and I'm still fighting off the last stubborn symptoms, so I'm a little bit behind schedule. For the most part, though, things are mostly good. Which is certainly better than the alternative. I'm writing a little faster with each story, so maybe you guys won't have to wait quite so long for new material as things pick up speed. [redacted]
I've gotten a metric crapton of commissions all of a sudden! I arranged one as an art trade, then I suddenly got three commissions in like a week! I'm not revealing any details just yet, but they're all pretty long and impressive in scope, and if my current fanbase is any indication, they should be quite popular! I'm really eager to start writing, and I'm looking forward to fleshing out the details I've been talking with the commissioners about... As soon as I figure out how to juggle them so the guy on the bottom doesn't end up waiting a billion years.
They'll also have to wait for the current project to wrap up, too. But I think it'll be worth the wait. Right now, there are three possible successors to Daddy's Home as my next big story. I'm keeping the details hush-hush at the moment, [redacted] Since Daddy's Home is gonna wrap up in two more chapters, I though it would be smart to build up some hype for what's next so everyone doesn't run off as soon as I put the finishing touches on it. [redacted] The original plan was to write up a trio of short, sex-light trailers, like 5k each, to introduce the characters and set the stage for each tale. Seems I'm not all that good at keeping things brief, though, so I decided I'm going to take a little extra time and flesh all three out into full chapters! I'll be working extra hard to try and get them all done by the end of the month so I can release them all at once, so keep an eye out for them!
Oh, and I'll be doing my first bonus chapter this month! [redacted]I'm still not quite sure what I should write about...