Wednesday, May 17, 2017

By The Horns Ch. 5, P. 2 [Preview]

[pre-story]So, I decided to break the main part of the chapter up into two parts, because holy fuck this is getting to be massive. If you add up all parts I've written so far, it's about 18k words, and I'm still only like half-done with the last part. I feel a lot less guilty about posting this part than I did about the first one, because this one is definitely sexy. I can't say exactly when the last part will come out, my productivity has been just all over the place lately,  but I'll be working hard to get it finished (also, got me some new pills that should help), and I'm really, really hoping I can get it done in time to post it this month.

Unlikely Adversaries, Part 2 [Preview]

Rhuno gripped the metal spike in one calloused, three-fingered hand, raised it high, then swung with all his strength, bringing it sweeping down into a brutal horizontal stab, driving it deep into the tough material and giving it a sharp twist at the end. Then he let go, leaving the spike planted there, and stepped back, watching with baited breath. Finally, a trickle of amber liquid began to pour forth, and Rhuno laughed, his voice a booming rumble like distant thunder across the plains. Glitz and Ginny both wore expressions of surprise, Ginny’s mixed with glee and Glitz’ with dismay. The tauren wore a broad, triumphant grin as he stepped forward again, reaching out, one hand turning off the spigot he’d just driven in as the other grabbed the first pitcher of pale ale from the freshly-tapped keg.

Ginny stepped forward too, marvelling at the barrel, one small hand coming up to touch the rough oak surface. “Looks like you lost, Glitz!”

Glitz' expression turned to one of amused, begrudging acceptance as she reached into her pocket, but Rhuno simply grinned. “I warned you, I used to do it all the time! Made a lot of gold off new crusaders with that trick. Not a lot to do in northrend except fight and drink.” He added, leaning against a wall as he raised the pitcher to his lips and took a swig.

When Rhuno lowered the pitcher again, the foam clung to his upper lip in a pale moustache. Glitz giggled a bit as she fished out a coin and flipped it haphazardly in Rhuno’s general direction. The shining disk arced gracefully through the air, only to land with an undignified splash in his pitcher of ale. There was a half a moment of silence, then all three cracked up, giggling and laughing as the golden disk sank through the amber liquid to settle at the bottom.

Ginny shook her head as the giggle-fit wore off. “Ohh, wow… I think finding that funny means I’m officially drunk.”

Glitz giggled again, shaking her head. “How can somebody with ‘Gin’ in their name be such a lightweight?”

“Hey!” Ginny objected as she poured herself another gnome-sized glass of ale. “First…” She began, gesturing at the two now-empty kegs that had preceded this one. “...That’s a lot of alcohol! And second, Ginnfizzle is a perfectly normal name that has nothing to do with alcohol! My mom was named Ginnfizzle!” She explained, then paused, looking thoughtful, before muttering “...Though, grandpa did own a bar, and she was working there when dad met her...”

Glitz giggled uncontrollably at that revelation, tipping backward until she fell off her stool, hitting the floor with a dull thump, still laughing. “A bar wench! YOU’RE a bar wench’s daughter? Fuck, the apple must’ve rolled a LONG way from the tree!”

“Mom was NOT a bar-wench!” Ginny pouted, then paused, the full comment percolating through the haze of alcohol. “...Hey, wait, what’s that supposed to mean?”

Glitz wiped at the corners of her eyes as she pushed herself up off the floor. “Ginny. Honey.” She began. “You know yer shit with machines and wires an’ crap, sure… but you are SO stiff and awkward.” She explained.

“I’m not stiff!” Ginny objected, planting her hands on her hips as she scowled at Glitz, looking inescapably like a child mid-tantrum.

Glitz shook her head as she sat up fully. “Yer stiff as a board right now! You talk stiff, you walk stiff, you act stiff! You’d be a terrible bar wench!” Glitz replied. “Wenches gotta be relaxed, they gotta be flexible, an’ graceful, an’ sexy! Like dancers, but they gotta talk to people too.” She explained, sagely, giving her arms an illustrative wiggle.

“I am NOT stiff!” Ginny reiterated, scowling a little harder. “Look!” She exclaimed, lifting her mostly-full glass to her lips and chugging its contents, before slamming the empty vessel down on the table.

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