UPDATED: 12/17
So, just a little bit of a heads up for those few of you who are paying attention to this blog.
I managed to finish National Novel Writing Month early, with 50,677 words on the 19th, so that's super-awesome. Feels great to know that I've actually managed to write a book even if it's kind of terrible at the moment and really needs the sequels to make the idea work properly. However, I have to say, the experience is most valuable to me because it showed me just how much work I can do, and how quickly I can do it, when I eliminate my distractions.
To illustrate that point, I've just finished the first draft of a long-overdue request, coming in at 9000+ words, and I pulled it off in two and half days of proper writing. If I keep up this pace, and this focus, I foresee a whole new horizon of productivity opening up before me. Just... oceans of porn.
Anyways, after this one, I'm planning to do another quick overdue request, and then get right back into Daddy's Home. [redacted]
Thanks to some family shennanigans, it took for-fucking-ever, but I finally finished the rewrite of the story. I'm just waiting to hear back from the requester if it's done or not.
I really hope it's done, because this story weighs in at 17500 words. It is enormous, but in my defense, it's also pretty damn hot.
If it gets approved, I'll be trying to post it by the end of the week.